Fire-suppression Aerial Robots
The Fire-suppression aerial robots of RAINDROPS ferry a glider vehicle that is released [(1) “Drop-off”], ignites its solid-state engine [(2) “Ignition”, optional step that may not be integrated on the final prototype] and autonomously homes to the exact location of the fire [(3) “Homing & maneuvering”]. At this point, it releases the suppression material—in a specialized droppable container—such that it penetrates through dense forest canopy and gets released at the exact fire location. The fire-suppressing glider aircraft also operates autonomously while retaining connectivity with the ferrying robot to get up-to-date information about the fire [(4) “Fire-suppression payload delivery”]. The glider autonomously flies away from the fire [(5) “Fly-away”] in order not to contribute flammable materials to the fire. Its small battery, responsible only for avionics and low-power servo mechanisms (no motors) shall be enclosed on a specialized fire-safe container.